2018年1月27日 星期六

Why Intel need to re-create discrete graphics card product?

Simply put, Moore's Law has reached limitation. Intel cannot provide more performance by simply shrinking process nodes. That means it is impossible to improve performance of integrated graphics dramatically without growing the CPU package into a giant costly monster. If Intel want to remain competitive and relevant, discrete graphics is the way to go. Maybe Intel will find other ways to do creative MCP, like what they do now with EMIB and Radeon. But the graphics nature makes it an unfit with CPU on the same die.

2018年1月14日 星期日



想說都路過了,順便驗身一下開啟外幣帳戶。但連問了幾個人都問不到,原來穿橘衣大部份都是活動廠商的員工,不是銀行員。 而這分行的裝潢也不像是一般的銀行分行,只有幾張桌椅和櫃台。和旅行社之類一般只在店面洽談業務的還比較像。


驗身要作的事本身倒是和一般銀行沒什麼差別,就是驗雙證件確認本人,再拍張照存底。但作業流程包括簽名都在平板上進行,速度快了很多。整個流程不到五分鐘搞定,和一般銀行櫃台操作電腦、文件又簽核飛來飛去,所花的時間差異很大。 要說是原生數位,王道的準備工作的確是作得滿齊全的。