2006年11月23日 星期四

Running moinmoin as lighttpd fastcgi server

  1. install lighttpd
  2. install moinmoin
  3. edit lighttpd.conf to enable fastcgi and point it to moinmoin fastcgi server (citehere) and restart lighttpd
  4. create moinmoin instance and configure
    1. copy MOINMOIN/data to WIKI/
    2. copy MOINMOIN/underlay to WIKI/
    3. copy MOINMOIN/htdocs/* to some directory under www directory
    4. copy MOINMOIN/config/wikiconfig.py to WIKI/ and edit it (citehere)
      1. Change wiki name
      2. choose front page name
      3. change 'url_prefix' to the dir chosen in prev step. It has to be something other than that the fastcgi prefix chosen in lighttpd.conf, because lighttpd will otherwise wrongly interpret it as a url to fastcgi contents
    5. copy MOINMOIN/servers/moin.fcg to WIKI/ and edit the path to config in it
  5. start moinmoin fastcgi server by using spawn-fcg supplied by lighttpd (examples)
    1. cd WIKI
    2. /usr/local/bin/spawn-fcgi -f ./moin.fcg -P moin.pid -u www -p 8888
  6. done

